You Can Help Support

Our Fundraising Goals

The founding members of the WSAPD Foundation defined a mission to improve the oral health of Washington’s children as well as support advanced education in pediatric dentistry at the University of Washington and Yakima residency programs.

If you are interested in making a tax-deductible contribution to the foundation, you can do so by downloading the following form: Foundation Donation Form. Please indicate in which area you would like your donation to be focused and send your donation and form to:

WSAPD Foundation
P.O. Box 15205
Seattle, WA 98115


Donor Circle

Below is a list of those who have donated to WSAPDF in the past. Thank you for your contibutions to our community!

PATRON ($5,000 – $9,999)

Cawrse, Thomas
Evergreen Study Club
Fey, Michael

Hill, Sarah
Suave, Mike
Tweedy, Christine

Williams, Bryan
WA State Society Of Dentistry For Children


FELLOW ($2,000 – $4,999)

Awamura, Kyoko
Barriga, Bertha
Churchill, John
Davidson, Danny
Shenfield, Leland

Kapust, Andrew
Kimberley, Steve
Larson, BJ
Liu, John
Smutka, Steve

Lombardi, Sally Sue
Loverage, Larry
Mast, Larry
Toillion, Bruce

Ortuzar, Olga
Psaltis, Greg
Rasor, Ted
Ruemping, Dale

SUPPORTER (up to $1,999)

Aaron, Gerald
Agan, Emel
Alexander, Jennifer
Alvey, Jenna
Anderson, Marc
Anerson-Elter, Aarika
Baemmert, Bob
Bagley, Thomas
Barnett, Curtis
Barriga, Bertha
Beck, Stephen
Becker, Marta
Becker, Mike
Beke, Michael
Benton, Patricia
Berg, Joel
Bhan, Payal
Bhanji, Shamsi
Biesese, Mary
Block, Lisa
Brain, George
Brooks, Mark
Bunch, Norman
Burke, Jennifer
Butler, Pam
Byott, Saeed
Byun, Jason
Camm, Jeff
Campbell, Roger
Case, Jim
Ciani, Karin
Clevenger, Patricia
Cook Honorarium
Cook, Daniel
Culver, Ralph
Davis, John

Dean, Brittany
DeBoard, Jessica
Domoto, Peter
Donly, Kevin
Drs. Bruce & Charles
DuBois, Matthew
Egger, Nadine
Eid, Hani
Elkady, Ahmed
English, Marie
Fleege, Pat
Fogel, Doug
Foreman, Frank
Franckum, David
Gallegos, Sidney
Garabedien, Andrew
Ghafghazi, Shahram
Gibbons, John
Hays, Jeff
Hays, Katrina
Hersey, Stuart
Herzog, Christopher
Hwang, Brad
Idrogo, Sonia Veronica
Johnson, Elissa
Johnson, Gregory
Juarez, Jordan
Kaakko, Tarja
Kapust, John
Killpack, Bracken
Kim, Shinsim
King, Isaac
King, Lesley
Koto, Catherine
Kuo, Timothy
Le, Mai

Lee, Jenny
Lee, Jonathon
Lee, Tyler
Leggott, Penelope
Leon-Pineda, Cristina
Liu, Ting-Ting Tina
Luchini, Catherine
Lunt, Roger
Marshall, Jennifer
Mast, Cody
Mazure, Kathleen
McHargue, Ron
McNamara, Ryan
Medina, David
Mellacheruvu, Sangeetha
Milledge, Todd
Mirjalili, Ebrahim
Moffitt, Jason
Moffitt, John M.
Murray, Nicole
Nazir, Muhammad
Nguyen, Thoa
Nicholson, Micah
NW Dental Study Club
Paravacchio, Russ
Peterson, John
Priebe, David
Quinby, Donna
Reichmuth, Marisa
Roeter, Jay
Rowley, Ruder & Psaltis
Rowley, Scott
Ruder, Benjamin
Sata, Camille
Saxena, Pooja
Schur, Brian

Self, Shelly
Servas, Elise
Shahani, Noreen
Sheller, Barbara
Shetty, Kishove
Shinn, Sherwin
Short, Glenn
Sipher, Dennis
Slayton, Rebecca
Stuehling, Stephen
Su, Stephanie
Sun, Benjamin
Taylor, Katherine
Taylor, Stephanie
Tercero, Ashley
Thomas, James
Thomas, John P.
Thomas, Larry
Toillion, Charlie
Trerice, Lucas
Trieu, Kim
Velan, Elizabeth
Walker, Rusty
Waterman, Stephen
Weis, Robert
Wig, Priscilla
Wilde, Jerold
Wilson, John
Winton, Kimberly
Wisikoski, Meghan
Wong, Aaron
Wong, Alicia
Wong, Keri Anne
Yee-lo, Karen
Yi, Song
Yoo, Joseph